Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can We Fix It

(Joe the Happy Preacher like to take examples from pop culture. There is no example he won't use. On the hit show, "Bob the Builder," there is a phrase often used. "Can we fix it?" Sometimes in our lives there are challenges that are so daunting, so overwhelming that it feels like it can't be fixed. Maybe you had a dream. You believe that God gave you this dream. Something went wrong. You got off track. Now you think that God won't forgive you, that things can't be fixed.

The Bible is all about fixing things. There are many stories of people's lives that seemed ruined. God salvaged their lives. Lot got sidetracked. He ended up in Sodom, the most wicked city. His children go caught up in the city. He may have wondered, could anything have fixed this. God rescued him from Sodom.

Peter was one of Jesus' disciples. He was part of Jesus' inner circle. Peter got sidetracked. He even denied that he knew Jesus. He wondered if his life could be fixed.

What I love about Bob the builder is that the answer is always, "yes, we can." God wants to fix whatever is broken in our lives. God wants us to get back on track. He wants us to have the dreams, the ones that he put in our lives, fulfilled. Everything can be fixed. Your dreams can be fulfilled. You just need to ask God to pick you up and restore all of the years the locusts have eaten. He can do that for you.

Maybe today, you never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You can do that right now. Repeat after me. "I am a sinner, forgive me and save me. If you prayed that prayer, this will be a great new day for you. Can he fix it? Yes, he can."

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