Saturday, March 27, 2010

Defeating the Army of the Aliens

by Brother Abaguda

Hebrews 11:34 says "by faith turned flight the army of the aliens." When I was reading this text I was very perplexed. Who were these aliens? i looked through the Bible and found no record of this invasion. After a time of pharmaceutical recreation God revealed to me in a dream who these aliens were.

The aliens are from a far-away galaxy called Krububoubu Empire. They are a war-like people. They have invaded many planets. They have powerful weapons. no planet has had a chance against them. Earth should have been no trouble. They believed that we would be an easy conquest. They wee wrong.

The one thing that they had not considered was that the God of the universe was on the side of their first target, the nation of Israel. Israel was God's chosen people. He would not allow Israel to fall. The verse said that out of weakness they became strong. They saw the ships and the weapons. they had lasers and grenades. Some had much fear but others rose to the occasion. These people waxed valiant in faith.

In my vision the Israelites with no weapons chased the invaders. The invaders were stopped. The invaders were lead to the Red Sea and drowned. The ships left in fear.

What is the lesson for us? The aliens still want our planet. The Krububoubu are planning to return. The date for the invasion is set for 2012. Just as faith overcame the first invasion, only faith can over come the second. This is a time of decision. Will we stand by faith or cower in fear? I say we must be brave. We must be people of faith. They are on their way.

I call on people of faith to stand with me. Take a stand against the Krububoubu. God revealed to me that if we stop this invasion they will never try to invade again. This is a time of decision. Join me. Let us fight the aliens.

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