Sunday, March 14, 2010

Remove Not the Ancient Landmark

Proverbs 22:28 says, "Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set."

Growing up there was a piece of metal that my dad put up to show where his property ended and the neighbors' began. It was a landmark. In the Old Testament times, landmarks were used to divide territories. Sometimes people would move them just a little bit so that they could have a little more territory. They kept moving it just a little bit.

Many in the church are moving the ancient landmarks. They have taken out the King James Version and rejected it as God's inspired word. They have propped up perversions like the NIV based on inferior texts cooked up by Wescott and Hort.

We've removed the ancient landmarks of the great hymn of the faith. We've replaced the great hymns with the devil's rock music. You'd have Christian cigarettes but you listen to that awful Steve Green.

We've removed the ancient landmark of women wearing dresses. It is a shame for women to wear pants. Our men now going to wear dresses? You wouldn't do that, yet you let your wives wear pants. Shame on you! You've removed an ancient landmark.

The Bible says "For by grace have you been saved by faith and yet not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast." Yet now teachers are saying you must do good works to prove you're saved. Hogwash, that's back loading works. You've removed a landmark.

Do you use power point? God gave us the hymn book. We don't needs writing on the wall. We don't need my sermon on the wall. We've got to preach the word, not write it on the wall. We removed a landmark.

Do you dance? That's debauchery. Ichabod - the glory is departed. Why have you removed that landmark?

What's the remedy? Put back the landmark. Put it back where you found it. Reinstate the King James Version. Burn those perversions. Put away that rock music and take out your hymn books. Let's sing amazing grace. Tell your wife to put a dress on. Stop preaching works. Turn off that power point. Stop dancing - the Bible says to best still and know I am God. The Bible says to be still. Put back the landmarks. It's the only way to revival.

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