Friday, March 19, 2010

Judas and the Key to Prosperity

by Joe the happy preacher

This is the word of God. It does what it's supposed to do. It tells me who I am and who I could be and who, with God's help, I will be. Praise God. Hallelujah.

Sometimes you may have a dream and you believe that God gave you this dream. it just seems like it's never going to come true. You may get disillusioned. You may doubt the goodness of God. Even though the Bible says that the goodness of God is what leads you (Romans 2:4). You begin to wonder if God is good. There is a character in the Bible who thought he had a dream that God gave him. When it did not happen, he made a mistake.

Judas Iscariot had a dream. He dreamed of making money. He did not only want this money for himself, but also wanted to give it to the poor (John 5:12). He was attracted to Christ. He believed that Jesus would fulfill his dream. Unfortunately, he lost sight of who Jesus was.

Judas got side-tracked. You may have gotten side-tracked. You may have stumbled in your walk with God. You may think God won't give you your dream. You might even consider betraying Christ. I knew of a missionary in Africa who, when guerrillas captured their compound, they demanded that everyone deny Christ. Everyone refused but this man. The guerrillas demanded he shoot the other missionaries to prove his loyalty. He did. He even joined the guerrillas and became their leader. Twelve years later, he regretted it. He asked God for forgiveness. Today, he has a hit television show on TBN called "Love Jesus Every Day." He may have stumbled, but he came back.

My friends, it's not too late. God still wants to fulfill your dreams, even if you've turned your back on him. Judas hung himself, but it didn't have to be that way. He could have been forgiven. He could have had his dreams fulfilled. How do I know this? Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now unto him who is able to do above that you may ask or think according to his power that works in us."

Don't be like Judas. Come to Jesus and live. Come get your dreams fulfilled. He wants to do that for you. Pray this prayer.

"God, I want to be forgiven. I accept you as my Saviour. Take me where you will. Amen."

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