Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?

By Udolf Christofer Collins.

Our text today is John 14:6. Jesus said unto him "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." in the NRSV. Jesus makes a bold statement. Here he says that he is the only way to the Father.

People come up to me and say "You believe that Christians should be tolerant of other faith traditions."
"Yes, I do."

"Well, what about John 14:6? Do you believe that verse?"


"That's not very tolerant."

Well, I have a simple answer.

If you look at the text, it says no one comes to the Father but by me. It does not say if you want to go to heaven, or to the after life or if you want to be saved. He says if you want to come to the Father. There are many ways to the afterlife. There are different afterlives. There is the Buddhist tradition, the Hindu, Islamic, et cetera. If you choose the road to Christianity or the Father, the only way is through Christ. Jesus did not say that he was the only way to bring salvation, but he is the only way to Christian paradise. There is no other way in this road. If you choose this road, Christ is your man.

So why choose the Christian path? Why choose heaven? Jesus said that his yoke was easy and his burden light. Jesus is a gentle shepherd who loves his sheep. He is a man of love. He is a man of acceptance and tolerance.

I am amazed by Gandhi. I respect Buddha. I find Muhammad intriguing. But none capture the amazement I find in Christ. He may not be your cup of tea, but he certainly is mine. I'll never make you go on this road, but I believe it's a good road.

Why is Jesus the only way in this road?

He created this road just as Gautama created his. I hope you'll choose this road, but if you choose a different road, that's fine. It's perfectly acceptable. I hope you'll be happy in whatever road you choose. Do it your way. You know what's best for you. I trust that God will direct your path whichever way you go.

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